COVID-19: Favorite Hobbies in Bhutan 2020 | Indoor Hobbies to Pursue

What hobbies have you been doing amidst the COVID-19 quarantine?

Are you learning something new?

The Corona Pandemic is taking a toll on this planet. What’s the best you can make of yourself right now? Should you laze around? Or is it the right time for self-discovery? 

Here are a few things you might want to try;

JUST TYPE: Put your pen to the paper or just open your note pad in your phone and jot down those strings of thoughts. If you are a wanting-to-be-a-writer, you got to start someday. What could be better than this lockdown when you have ample of time in your hands and your mind full of ideas? Remember, somebody is waiting to hear your story.

If you are simply wanting to feel lighter when you have no one around to talk to, then WRITE! Let people know that they are not alone, that this world is together in it. A pen and paper could be one of your best mates at this time.

Helpful Links:

How to Become an Author: Your Complete Guide


STRUM THAT HUM: Are you walking around your house humming some random tune that you might have heard the other day? Well, start strumming that hum. A guitar or ukulele comes handy if you are willing to pursue some musical instruments.

Create your tune and music. Stay tuned for a few weeks and then you will be ready to get going with your own Instagram page. All in all, give love to the rising star in you.

Helpful Links:

LEARN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING: We are in the digital era. Technology has become an essential part of our life. So learning programming will never go in vain. Programming languages such as python, c++, and java can be helpful for those who want to get their hands-on programming. Now, many will wonder what one can do after learning to programming. Well, you can create your games, designs and so much more. Even if creating games such as PUBG may not be very possible in the beginning but a simple game that you create on your own will not only give you a sense of achievement but can also spark your creativity.

What hobbies have you been doing amidst the COVID-19 quarantine?  Are you learning something new?

Along with games, there are many other fun things you can do with programming as mentioned in the link below 

 The link below will help you learn programming for free.

The 11 Best Sites for Free Online Computer Programming Courses

76 of The Best Places to Learn to Code For Free

 BURN YOUR FATS: When your friends ask you, “how’s growing up like?”

Do you say, growing is mostly sideways for you? 

When you have plenty of time and social distancing being a must, exercising could be one of the best ways to keep yourself fit as well as staying occupied. https://blog.shawacademy.com/easy-home-workouts-during-the-lockdown/  will provide you with exercises you can try out along with detailed instructions on how to go about them. 

Helpful Links:

How To Exercise At Home: The 50 Best Free Online Workout Resources

Where to go online for free home workouts, from cardio to yoga

BE A BOOKWORM: Make yourself a bookmark, it’s time you flip the pages of those books lying on your shelf for a long time. This is the time where you will realize that the books indeed can take you to different places while simply shuffling through them.

Write reviews so that you can keep track of your reading along with improving your penmanship.

How to Become a Bookworm

HOME GARDENING: At the time, when organic food has become a priority for a healthy life. Why not start your very own vegetable garden at home?

Creating a small garden at your balcony can also bring you closer to greenery. Planting your vegetables or even flowers will give you a sense of happiness. Make yourself flower pots of your liking, decorate them, give them shapes of your kind of happiness. Upgrade your health and happiness at your own small space.

Helpful Links:

 MAKE YOURSELF AN ALBUM: Remember the times when your parents used to show your childhood albums to the guest. This trend has slowly disappeared with the appearance of TV sets in each household. 

How long will you tie your beloved ones in your phone gallery? it’s time they take shape in the Polaroid you wanted to have for so long. Let your creative juices flow and make yourself an album. 

Helpful Links:

How to Make a Family Photo Book

What hobbies have you been doing amidst the COVID-19 quarantine?  Are you learning something new? 

AWAKEN THE ARTIST: “Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness” – Anni Albers. Let your happiness flow through the paintbrush in the form of colors. Maybe, you are into pencil sketches, however, start working on your art. Get Your masterpiece into making.

 BAKE THAT BREAD: Seeing your family break the bread you made for breakfast would binge you to further your baking skills. Baking is another classic hobby to start. It puffs the goodness of dessert in you just like those of your coming muffins. 

Baking is one of those hobbies which can gradually develop into the profession if only you are passionate about it. So, the situation here is only win-win and there is nothing less you can expect from it.

MOVIE MASTER: Do you know the most anticipated movies of 2020? If NO, then stay in track of new movie updates and win yourself the ultimate title of movie master. Collect movies of different genres, pick a few from https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/most-anticipated-movies-of-2020/, and get to know those 66 most anticipated movie of 2020. 

Watching movies can be one way you can pass your time while staying entertained.

 Also, there are several advantages to it.  

A time at hand which might feel like forever is not the time to overthink and exaggerate a situation. It is no time for mental break downs or feeling left. Instead, the idea is, we are all in this together. Make the most of this time to achieve the best version of yourself with a simple guideline from the points mentioned above. 

Content Contributed by Banshika Rai

Banshika Rai

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